Aarhus University Seal

New face at MIB: Mattia Rosso

Long-term collaborator from Ghent University visits MIB for 4 months before embarking on postdoc here in the autumn.

Mattia Rosso completed a joint PhD in September 2023, where he was awarded the titles of Doctor in Psychology from the University of Lille (FR) and Doctor in Art Sciences from Ghent University (BE). His doctoral dissertation, titled 'Human rhythmic interactions: Coordination dynamics and informational coupling', comprises a cohesive body of work published over the four years of his project, focusing on the fundamentals of interpersonal interactions and the broader interplay between brain dynamics and environmental rhythms. 

In October 2023, Mattia embarked on his postdoc project in collaboration with IPEM at Ghent University (BE) and Center for Music in the Brain at Århus University, extending his research from dyadic to group interactions and advancing neuroimaging analysis methods in the domain of rhythm perception and production. Mattia is currently visiting MIB for four months, to set up his line of work under the supervision of Professors Peter Keller and Peter Vuust, preparing for moving to Århus and launching his main study in the autumn of 2024.