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The miniMET - A novel tool for measuring musical abilities in children. Poster session presented at The Neurosciences and Music VI - Music, Sound and Health , Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
De Filippi, E., Uribe, C., Avila-Varela, D. S., Martínez-Molina, N., Gashaj, V., Pritschet, L., Santander, T., Jacobs, E. G.
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Guzmán, E. G., Perl, Y. S., Vohryzek, J., Escrichs, A., Manasova, D., Türker, B., Tagliazucchi, E.
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Deco, G., Sanz Perl, Y., Bocaccio, H., Tagliazucchi, E.
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Communications Biology,
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Perl, Y. S., Zamora-Lopez, G., Montbrió, E., Monge-Asensio, M., Vohryzek, J., Fittipaldi, S., Campo, C. G., Moguilner, S., Ibañez, A., Tagliazucchi, E., Yeo, B. T. T.
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Fasano, M. C., Brattico, E., Lorenzen, I. S., Gargiulo, A.
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The impact of orchestral playing on children's lives. In T. Chemi, E. Brattico, L. Overby Fjorback & L. Harmat (Eds.),
Arts and Mindfulness Education for Human Flourishing (pp. 106-123). Routledge.
Tiihonen, M., Haumann, N. T., Shtyrov, Y., Vuust, P., Jacobsen, T.
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Vohryzek, J., Cabral, J., Timmermann, C., Atasoy, S., Roseman, L., Nutt, D. J., Carhart-Harris, R. L., Deco, G.
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National Science Review,
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Fasano, M. C., Semeraro, C., Cassibba, R.
, Vuust, P., Kringelbach, M. L. & Brattico, E. (2021).
The effects of a learner-centred music training program on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Poster session presented at The Neurosciences and Music VII - Connecting with music across the lifespan.
Deco, G., Liebana Garcia, S., Sanz Perl, Y., Sporns, O.
& Kringelbach, M. L. (2023).
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Communications Physics,
6(1), Article 74.
Jespersen, K. V., Otto, M., Kringelbach, M. L., Van Someren, E.
& Vuust, P. (2017).
The effect of music on insomnia - a randomized controlled trial. Poster session presented at The Neurosciences and Music VI - Music, Sound and Health , Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Iorio, C.
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50(1), 230-244.
Escrichs, A., Sanz Perl, Y., Martínez-Molina, N., Biarnes, C., Garre-Olmo, J., Fernández-Real, J. M., Ramos, R., Martí, R., Pamplona, R., Brugada, R., Serena, J., Ramió-Torrentà, L., Coll-De-Tuero, G., Gallart, L., Barretina, J., Vilanova, J. C., Mayneris-Perxachs, J., Saba, L., Pedraza, S. ... Deco, G. (2023).
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Cerebral Cortex,
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Fasano, M. C., Cabral, J., Stevner, A., Vuust, P., Cantou, P., Brattico, E. & Kringelbach, M. L. (2020).
The early adolescent brain on music: analysis of functional dynamics reveals engagement of orbitofrontal cortex reward system. bioRxiv.
Fasano, M. C., Cabral, J., Stevner, A., Vuust, P., Cantou, P., Brattico, E. & Kringelbach, M. L. (2023).
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Human Brain Mapping,
44(2), 429-446.
Cruzat, J., Deco, G., Tauste-Campo, A., Principe, A., Costa, A.
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The dynamics of human cognition: Increasing global integration coupled with decreasing segregation found using iEEG.
172, 492-505.
Nieminen, S., Istok, E.
, Brattico, E. & Tervaniemi, M. (2012).
The development of the aesthetic experience of music: Preference, emotions, and beauty.
Musicae Scientiae,
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Nieminen, S., Istok, E.
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47(9), 1138-1146.
Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S.
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& Vuust, P. (2018).
The CI MuMuFe - a new MMN paradigm for measuring music discrimination in electric hearing. Poster session presented at MMN 2018: The 8th Mismatch Negativity Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S.
, Trusbak Haumann, N., Højlund, A., Dietz, M., Michel, F., Kamaric Riis, S.
, Brattico, E. & Vuust, P. (2021).
The CI MuMuFe - a new MMN paradigm for measuring music discrimination in electric hearing: The CI MuMuFe. Poster session presented at Neuromusic VII: Connecting with music across lifespan.
Trusbak Haumann, N., Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S., F. Faulkner, K.
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The CI MuMuFe - a new MMN paradigm for measuring music discrimination in electric hearing.
Petersen, B., Andersen, A. S., Trusbak Haumann, N., Højlund, A., Dietz, M., Michel, F., Kamaric Riis, S.
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The CI MuMuFe: A New MMN Paradigm for Measuring Music Discrimination in Electric Hearing.
Frontiers in Neuroscience,
14, Article 2.
Toiviainen, P., Burunat, I.
, Brattico, E., Vuust, P. & Alluri, V. (2020).
The chronnectome of musical beat.
216, Article 116191.
Fasano, M. C., Glerean, E., Gold, B., Sheng, D., Sams, M., Rauschecker, J.
, Vuust, P. & Brattico, E. (2017).
The brain correlates of engagement in music performance: A behavioral and fMRI study. Poster session presented at The Neurosciences and Music VI - Music, Sound and Health , Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Kliuchko, M., Heinonen-Guzejev, M., Monacis, L., Gold, B., Heikkilä, K., Spinosa, V., Tervaniemi, M.
& Brattico, E. (2015).
The association of noise sensitivity with music listening, training, and aptitude.
Noise and Health,
17(78), 350-357.