Aarhus University Seal


We are a cross-national, 
interdisciplinary group of
people coming from the worlds
of music, neuroscience,
psychology and linguistics
joint together by a common
interest in and passion for 
Music in the Brain.



Associate professors

Assistant Professors


PhD fellows

Pelle De Deckere

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Gemma Fernández Rubio

Postdoc Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Olivia Foster Vander Elst

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Silvia Genovese

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Mathias Klarlund

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Athanasia Kontouli

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Signe Hagner Mårup

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Paul Jaques Gilbert Maublanc

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Ana Teresa Queiroga

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Rebecca Jane Scarratt

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Alberte Baggesgaard Seeberg

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Technical staff

Niels Trusbak Haumann

Technical Special Consultant


Affiliated researchers

Maria Celeste Fasano

Assistant Professor Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences

Alexander Wieck Fjældstad

Associate Professor Department of Clinical Medicine - Øre-, Næse- og Halskirurgi, RHG

Niels Chr. Hansen

Researcher School of Culture and Society - Interacting Minds Centre

David Ricardo Quiroga Martinez

Postdoc Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Music In the Brain

Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal

MD, PhD, Research Fellow
Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatira, Mexico City
Email: egarza@gmail.com  

Maria Witek

Senior Birmingham Fellow, PhD
Department of Music
School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music
University of Birmingham, UK
E-mail: m.a.g.witek@bham.ac.uk    

Silvia Elisabetta Portis Bruzzone

PhD student
Neurobiology Research Unit, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen.
E-mail: silvia.bruzzone@nru.dk

Vinoo Alluri

Assistant Professor, PhD
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Email: vinoo.alluri@iiit.ac.in