Kliuchko, M., Heinonen-Guzejev, M.
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& Brattico, E. (2016).
A window into the brain mechanisms associated with noise sensitivity.
Scientific Reports,
6, 39236. Article 39236.
Haumann, N. T., Parkkonen, L.
, Kliuchko, M., Vuust, P. & Brattico, E. (2016).
Comparing the Performance of Popular MEG/EEG Artifact Correction Methods in an Evoked-Response Study.
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Vuust, P., Liikala, L.
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& Brattico, E. (2016).
Comprehensive auditory discrimination profiles recorded with a fast parametric musical multi-feature mismatch negativity paradigm.
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Westphael, G., Gebauer, L., Mehlsen, M. Y., Winterdahl, M. & Zachariae, R. (2016).
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Hansen, N. C., Højlund, A., Møller, C., Pearce, M.
& Vuust, P. (2016).
Enhanced feature integration in musicians: Expertise modulates the additivity of the MMNm response. Poster session presented at 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, San Francisco, United States.
Poikonen, H., Alluri, V.
, Brattico, E., Lartillot, O., Tervaniemi, M. & Huotilainen, M. (2016).
Event-related brain responses while listening to entire pieces of music.
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Young, K. S.
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Højlund, A., Horn, N. T., Sørensen, S. D., Mcgregor, W. & Wallentin, M. (2016).
Foreign sound learning and mismatch negativity (MMN): a longitudinal ERP study. Poster session presented at SNL 2016, London, United Kingdom.
Weinstein, D., Launay, J., Pearce, E., Dunbar, R. I. M.
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Bogert, B., Numminen-Kontti, T., Gold, B., Sams, M., Numminen, J., Burunat, I., Lampinen, J.
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Brownlee, WJ.
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Increased cortical and deep grey matter sodium concentration is associated with physical and cognitive disability in relapse-onset multiple sclerosis.. Abstract from 32nd ECTRIMS Congress, London, United Kingdom.
Kragness, H.
, Hansen, N. C., Vuust, P., Trainor, L. & Pearce, M. (2016).
Information dynamics of boundary perception: Entropy in self-paced music listening. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, San Francisco, United States.
Lord, L.-D., Expert, P.
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Brattico, E., Bogert, B., Alluri, V., Tervaniemi, M., Eerola, T.
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It's Sad but I Like It: The Neural Dissociation Between Musical Emotions and Liking in Experts and Laypersons.
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Pedro, K., Grierson, M.
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Fasano, M. C., Glerean, E., Gold, B., Sheng, D., Sams, M., Rauschecker, J.
, Vuust, P. & Brattico, E. (2016).
Neural changes after multimodal learning in pianists - An fMRI study. Poster session presented at 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), San Francisco, United States.
Kringelbach, M. L., Stark, E. A., Alexander, C., Bornstein, M. H. & Stein, A. (2016).
On Cuteness: Unlocking the Parental Brain and Beyond.
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20(7), 545-58.
Gebauer, L., Witek, M., Hansen, N. C., Thomas, J., Konvalinka, I.
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Oxytocin improves synchronisation in leader-follower interaction.
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Costa, M.
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Prados, F., S Solanky, B.
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Regional variation of total sodium concentration in the healthy human brain.. Poster session presented at International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: 24th Annual Meeting.
Zou, L.-Q.
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The neural mechanism of hedonic processing and judgment of pleasant odors: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis.
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Burunat, I., Toiviainen, P., Alluri, V., Bogert, B., Ristaniemi, T., Sams, M.
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Burunat, I.
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Action in Perception: Prominent Visuo-Motor Functional Symmetry in Musicians during Music Listening.
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Boccard, S. G.
, Fernandes, H., Jbabdi, S.
, van Hartevelt, T. J., Kringelbach, M. L., Quaghebeur, G., Moir, L., Mancebo, V. P., Pereira, E. A., Fitzgerald, J. J., Green, A. L., Stein, J. & Aziz, T. Z. (2015).
A tractography study of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in chronic pain: a key to improve the targeting.
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Petersen, B., Weed, E., Sandmann, P.
, Brattico, E., Hansen, M., Sørensen, S. D. & Vuust, P. (2015).
Brain responses to musical feature changes in adolescent cochlear implant users.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Bodak, R., Mazhari-Jensen, D.
, Evald, L., Figlewski, K., Malhotra, P.
, Vuust, P. & Stewart, L. (2015).
Can active music-making ameliorate neglect? An assessor-blind, within-subject, controlled clinical trial. Poster session presented at Examining the utility of music interventions in neurological disorders of older people, London, Denmark.
Bodak, R., Stewart, L., Stephan, M.
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& Vuust, P. (2015).
Can listening to sound sequences facilitate movement? The potential for motor rehabilitation. Abstract from Music Therapy Advances in Neuro-disability II , London, United Kingdom.