Aarhus University Seal

CFIN & Neurophysiology Symposium 2017

CFIN and Neurophysiology Symposium 2017 is an initiative to hold a joint symposium between CFIN and AUH Neurophysiology department, to update each other on the kind of research done at both sites with a view of fostering new collaborations. The Symposium will be hosted by the Neurophysiology, and the idea is that PIs from both sides give short overviews of the research done by their groups. The meeting will be open to staff from both sides and to interested researchers in general.

Info about event


Wednesday 15 November 2017,  at 10:00 - 14:00


DNC Auditorium (Palle Juul-Jensen), AUH building 10G, Nørrebrogade 44, Aarhus C


CFIN & Dept. of Neurophysiology