Aarhus University Seal

EXTRA BrainHygge - Special edition: Mikkel Wallentin

A Special Edition of BrainHygge with a talk by Professor Mikkel Wallentin on: "The Diversity Quest: AU says diversity is good for you, but what do you say?"

Info about event


Friday 15 December 2023,  at 14:00 - 15:00


Thalamus meeting room, CFIN South/MIB, Building 1710, Universitetsbyen 3, 8000 Aarhus C.



The Christmas season is upon us, and the BrainHygge team could not stay away. A Special Edition of the most hyggelig of all neuroscience meetings will take place on December 15 at 14:00. Professor Mikkel Wallentin will give a talk about something that is bound to stir your interest (and may even raise some brows) regardless of your exact scientific field:

The Diversity Quest: AU says diversity is good for you, but what do you say?

Chaired and moderated by none less than our very own Professor Leif Østergaard.

And yet another special this time: there will be no regular Friday Bar after the talk – but a whole Julefrokost for CFIN and MIB employees instead!
(Which, by the way, won’t stop us from getting some cake for the seminar anyway.)

Now, how does all that sound for a BrainHygge? We look forward to seeing you all there! ⛄


Best regards,

Your friendly BrainHygge committee:

Peter K.