MIB: Call for participants!
We are looking for musicians for an experiment on auditory processing.

1) Read the following information
2) Book your time in the SonaSystems link (after requesting a user account) and we will confirm your participation: https://cfin.sona-systems.com/default.aspx

In this study, you will listen to auditory stimuli and perform a very simple sound detection task while we measure your brain activity using two
harmless brain scanning techniques: magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) (duration: 1.5h).
You will also respond to auditory tests and a short questionnaire (duration: 40min.).
On a separate day, we will also take structural images of your brain using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (duration: 30 min.).
The experiment will take place at Aarhus University Hospital, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99, 8200 Aarhus N.
Criteria for participation:
• Normal health (without neurological or psychiatric disease)
• Normal hearing
• Between 18 and 40 years of age
• No metal implants in the body
• Right handed
• Basic English comprehension
a) Limited formal musical training (i.e., less than 3 years of schooling at conservatory level)
b) Extended musical training (i.e. more than 9 years of music training)
Compensation for participation: DKK 400
Alexandre Celma-Miralles, postdoc, a.celma.miralles@clin.au.dk
David Quiroga, postdoc, dquiroga@clin.au.dk
Jan Stupacher, postdoc, stupacher@clin.au.dk
Tomas Matthews, postdoc, toma@clin.au.dk