Aarhus University Seal

New face at MIB: Anna Zamorano

Long-time collaborator joins MIB as assistant professor.

Following several years of collaboration with MIB during her post-doctoral time at the Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (Aalborg University), Ann  Zamorano has transitioned into a new role as assistant professor at MIB.

Anna is a skilled researcher with a background in physiotherapy, neurophysiology, and cognitive neuroscience. With broad experience in behavioural, EEG, TMS and fMRI techniques as well as experimental pain models. Anna's research interests involve understanding the neurobiological mechanisms that link long-term sensorimotor training (i.e., musical practice) with changes in sensory processing, particularly pain and interoception. 

Anna Zamorano will collaborate with Associate Professor Boris Kleber in his research projects to study the dynamics of sensorimotor control and multisensory integration, including the modulatory effects of self-perceptual processes and musical practice  (SEEMS project) and expand their already existing collaboration in voice and singing-related research.