Aarhus University Seal

New face at MIB: Emma Segura

Visiting PhD student joins MIB for three months.

Emma Segura is visiting MIB for three months to initiate a project with MIB associate professor Boris Kleber on the role of individual differences in the passion for singing. To this end, she will begin developing a questionnaire in singing engagement and designing a fMRI paradigm to explore the activation of dopaminergic networks in natural singing of non-musicians.

Emma is a PhD student at the Cognition of Brain Plasticity Unit of the University of Barcelona and the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute. After completing her biology degree, she decided to delve into the fascinating universe of cognitive science, brain plasticity, and the role of music in promoting brain functions recovery. As part of her PhD, she is testing the effectiveness of a music-based intervention in improving upper-limb motor functions, self-regulation behaviors and emotional well-being in patients with chronic stroke. 

Emma plans to continue her research on music benefits in enhancing the quality of life for both clinical and non-clinical populations. She also works as a music therapist with stroke patients and autistic children, and her favorite hobby is singing and playing the piano.