Aarhus University Seal

New face at MIB: Nikita Joe

New intern from University of Pavia, Italy visits MIB for a year.

Nikita Joe is a final year student of the MSc Psychology, Neurosciences and Human Sciences program at University of Pavia, Italy. After completing courses in Neuroscience of Music and Psychology of Music, she realized her interest in music cognition and was happy to get the opportunity to intern at MIB.

She will write her Master thesis on the Cross Cultural Perception of music under the supervision of Professor Elvira Bratico and PhD student Mathias Klarlund. Additionally, she will work with PhD student Gemma Fernandez Rubio on her project about the Neural Mechanism of long term encoding of music sequence.

Nikita hopes to contribute and learn more about research in the field of Music Cognition during her internship at MIB.