New face at MIB: Silvia Genovese
New PhD student has joined MIB via the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Lullabyte”.
Silvia Genovese started her PhD Project at Center for Music in the Brain in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Lullabyte” under the supervision of Associate Professor Kira Vibe Jespersen.
After a Specialization Master in Behavioural Neurosciences at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan) achieved in November 2022, Silvia worked as research assistant at SCALab (Université de Lille) under the supervision of Prof. Delphine Grynberg. Here, having the chance to assist in research on emotions, interoception and music, she realized her interest in the effects of music on the brain.
Silvia´s project will investigate how music can be used as sleep aid exploring the influence of individual characteristics on the choice of music for sleep, as well as how this choice can be predicted by individual factors. Also, the features of music for sleep will be explored, leading to the creation of a dataset of music to be used for individual-based treatments of insomnia.
As a music and sleep research enthusiast, Silvia is eager to start working on her project and to investigate how music can influence sleep and be used as an aid in the treatment of sleep disorders.