Videos on Lundbeck grants
Professor Leif Østergaard DKK received a DKK 40 mio. grant from the Lundbeck Foundation’s Professorship program. The foundation has produced videos about the recipients' work and research. See the videos here.

From the description of the new videos at the Lundbeck Foundation website:
There is too much we still do not understand about the brain! Five professors who have devoted their brains to helping ours, therefore, received our largest total grant at the end of last year. Join biologist and science journalist Line Friis Frederiksen as she visits the five brain scientists and get a look into the brain landscape they are trying to map.
See the video with the five recipients ...
... and a video about Professor Leif Østergaard's research that will examine the role of capillaries – the brain’s smallest blood vessels – in healthy aging and in the development of dementia:
For more information, please contact:
Professor Leif Østergaard (af45ec8c-f95a-4937-9e48-ffabe2b8933d).html