Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S.
, Trusbak Haumann, N., Højlund, A., Dietz, M., Brattico, E., Michel, F., Kamaric Riis, S.
& Vuust, P. (2019).
Objective Measurements of Music Discrimination in Individual Experienced and Recently Implanted Cochlear Implant Users. Poster session presented at 2019 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, California, United States.
Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S.
, Trusbak Haumann, N., Højlund, A., Dietz, M., Brattico, E., Michel, F., Kamaric Riis, S.
& Vuust, P. (2019).
The Sound of Music – Two Novel EEG-Paradigms for Measuring Discrimination of Music in Cochlear Implant Users. Abstract from CI2019 Pediatric: 16th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Hollywood, FL, United States.
Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S.
, Trusbak Haumann, N., Højlund, A., Dietz, M., Brattico, E., Michel, F., Kamaric Riis, S.
& Vuust, P. (2019).
The Sound of Music: Two Novel EEG-Paradigms for Measuring Discrimination of Music in Cochlear Implant Users. Abstract from 2019 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, California, United States.
Quiroga Martinez, D. R., Hansen, N. C., Højlund, A., Pearce, M., Brattico, E. & Vuust, P. (2019).
Reduced prediction error responses in high-as compared to low-uncertainty musical contexts.
120, 181-200.,
Radloff, S.
, Trusbak Haumann, N., Brandl, S.
, Brattico, E., Vuust, P. & Grube, M. (2019).
BEAT BASED ENTRAINMENT IN THE BRAIN and the question of its relevance to auditory perception of rhythmic patterns.. Poster session presented at AU Neuroscience Day 2019.
Robson, H., Griffiths, T. D.
, Grube, M. & Woollams, A. M. (2019).
Auditory, Phonological, and Semantic Factors in the Recovery From Wernicke’s Aphasia Poststroke: Predictive Value and Implications for Rehabilitation.
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair,
33(10), 800-812.
Sedghi, N. A.
& Brattico, E. (2019).
Musik og evolution. In T. K. Nielsen, C. Andersen, A. R. Kratschmer & M. Clasen (Eds.),
Mennesket, kultur, evolution: et biokulturelt perspektiv (pp. 201-214). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Starcke, K., von Georgi, R.
, Tiihonen, T. M., Laczika, K. F. & Reuter, C. (2019).
Don't drink and chill: Effects of alcohol on subjective and physiological reactions during music listening and their relationships with personality and listening habits.
International Journal of Psychophysiology,
142, 25-32.
Stevner, A. B. A., Vidaurre, D., Cabral, J., Rapuano, K., Nielsen, S. F. V., Tagliazucchi, E., Laufs, H.
, Vuust, P., Deco, G., Woolrich, M. W., Van Someren, E.
& Kringelbach, M. L. (2019).
Discovery of key whole-brain transitions and dynamics during human wakefulness and non-REM sleep.
Nature Communications,
10(1), Article 1035.
Zamorano, A. M., Montoya, P., Cifre, I.
, Vuust, P., Riquelme, I.
& Kleber, B. (2019).
Experience-dependent neuroplasticity in trained musicians modulates the effects of chronic pain on insula-based networks – A resting-state fMRI study.
202, Article 116103.
Bonetti, L., Haumann, N. T., Brattico, E., Kliuchko, M., Vuust, P., Särkämö, T.
& Näätänen, R. (2018).
Auditory sensory memory and working memory skills: Association between frontal MMN and performance scores.
Brain Research,
1700, 86-98.
Burunat, I.
, Brattico, E., Hartmann, M.
, Vuust, P., Särkämö, T. & Toiviainen, P. (2018).
Musical training predicts cerebello-hippocampal coupling during music listening. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain,
28(3), 152-163.
Costa, M.
, Bonetti, L., VIgnali, V., Lantieri, C. & Simone, A. (2018).
The role of peripheral vision in vertical road sign identification and discrimination.
61(12), 1619-1634.
Cruzat, J., Deco, G., Tauste-Campo, A., Principe, A., Costa, A.
, Kringelbach, M. L. & Rocamora, R. (2018).
The dynamics of human cognition: Increasing global integration coupled with decreasing segregation found using iEEG.
172, 492-505.
Daffertshofer, A., Ton, R.
, Kringelbach, M. L., Woolrich, M. & Deco, G. (2018).
Distinct criticality of phase and amplitude dynamics in the resting brain.
180, 442-447.
Daffertshofer, A., Ton, R., Pietras, B.
, Kringelbach, M. L. & Deco, G. (2018).
Scale-freeness or partial synchronization in neural mass phase oscillator networks: Pick one of two? NeuroImage,
180, 428-441.
Deco, G.
, Cabral, J., Saenger, V. M., Boly, M., Tagliazucchi, E., Laufs, H., Van Someren, E., Jobst, B.
, Stevner, A. & Kringelbach, M. L. (2018).
Perturbation of whole-brain dynamics in silico reveals mechanistic differences between brain states.
169, 46-56.
Deco, G., Cruzat, J.
, Cabral, J., Knudsen, G. M., Carhart-Harris, R. L., Whybrow, P. C., Logothetis, N. K.
& Kringelbach, M. L. (2018).
Whole-Brain Multimodal Neuroimaging Model Using Serotonin Receptor Maps Explains Non-linear Functional Effects of LSD.
Current Biology,
28(19), 3065-+.
Fasano, M. C., Semeraro, C., Cassibba, R., Kringelbach, M., Vuust, P. & Brattico, E. (2018).
Exploring the effects of an innovative collective music training on inhibitory control and hyperactivity in early adolescents. Poster session presented at 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition & 10th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Graz, Austria.
Grube, M., Brandl, S., Kindermans, P.-J., Blankertz, B., Daehne, S. & Mueller, K.-R. (2018).
Can we “find the beat”? Searching the beta band in the human EEG as a function of acoustic rhythmic regularity and in correlation with behaviour.. 1. Poster session presented at 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany.
Heinonen-Guzejev, M.
, Kliuchko, M., Vuust, P., Tervaniemi, M.
, Brattico, E., Shepherd, D., Heikkilä, K., Dirks, K. N., Hautus, M. J., Welch, D. & McBride, D. (2018).
Studying the origins of noise sensitivity - negative affect or biological factors. 521-525. Paper presented at Euronoise, Heraklion, Greece.
Kliuchko, M., Haumann, N. T., Huotilainen, M.
, Vuust, P., Tervaniemi, M.
& Brattico, E. (2018).
Expertise-dependent sensitivity to mistuning and melody transposition: MEG study with melodic multi-feature MMN paradigm. Abstract from 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition & 10th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Graz, Austria.
Kliuchko, M., Puoliväli, T., Heinonen-Guzejev, M., Tervaniemi, M., Toiviainen, P., Sams, M.
& Brattico, E. (2018).
Neuroanatomical correlates of noise sensitivity. Poster session presented at 8th Mind Brain Body Symposium, Berlin, Germany.
Kliuchko, M., Puoliväli, T., Heinonen-Guzejev, M., Tervaniem, M., Toiviainen, P., Sams, M.
& Brattico, E. (2018).
Neuroanatomical substrate of noise sensitivity.
167, 309-315.
Langer Bro, M.
, Jespersen, K. V., Hansen, J. B.
, Vuust, P., Abildgaard, N., Gram, J. & Johansen, C. (2018).
Kind of blue - a systematic review and meta-analysis of music intervention in cancer treatment.
27(2), 386–400.
Lumaca, M., Haumann, N. T., Vuust, P., Brattico, E. & Baggio, G. (2018).
From random to regular: Neural constraints on the emergence of isochronous rhythm during cultural transmission.
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience,
13(8), 877-888.
Mogensen, R. L. H., Bjerg Hedegaard, M., Olsen, L.
, Skewes, J. C. & Gebauer, L. (2018).
Relational Memory in High-Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Abstract from INSAR 2018: Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Mogensen, R. L. H., Bjerg Hedegaard, M., Olsen, L.
, Skewes, J. C. & Gebauer, L. (2018).
Relational Memory in High-Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster session presented at INSAR 2018: Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.