Fernandes, H. M., Cabral, J., van Hartevelt, T. J., Lord, L. D.
, Gleesborg, C., Møller, A., Deco, G., Whybrow, P. C., Petrovic, P., James, A. C.
& Kringelbach, M. L. (2019).
Disrupted brain structural connectivity in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder with psychosis.
Scientific Reports,
9(1), Article 13638.
Fasano, M. C., Semeraro, C., Cassibba, R.
, Kringelbach, M. L., Monacis, L., de Palo, V.
, Vuust, P. & Brattico, E. (2019).
Short-Term Orchestral Music Training Modulates Hyperactivity and Inhibitory Control in School-Age Children: A Longitudinal Behavioural Study.
Frontiers in Psychology,
10(750), Article 750.
Donnelly-Kehoe, P., Saenger, V. M., Lisofsky, N., Kühn, S.
, Kringelbach, M. L., Schwarzbach, J., Lindenberger, U. & Deco, G. (2019).
Reliable local dynamics in the brain across sessions are revealed by whole-brain modeling of resting state activity.
Human Brain Mapping,
40(10), 2967-2980.
Deco, G., Cruzat, J.
, Cabral, J., Tagliazucchi, E., Laufs, H., Logothetis, N. K.
& Kringelbach, M. L. (2019).
Awakening: Predicting external stimulation to force transitions between different brain states.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),
116(36), 18088-18097.
Criscuolo, A.
, Bonetti, L., Sarkamo, T.
, Kliuchko, M. & Brattico, E. (2019).
On the Association Between Musical Training, Intelligence and Executive Functions in Adulthood.
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Costa, M.
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Cheung, V. K. M., Harrison, P. M. C., Meyer, L.
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Uncertainty and Surprise Jointly Predict Musical Pleasure and Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Auditory Cortex Activity.
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Cameron, D. J., Zioga, I., Lindsen, J. P.
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Neural entrainment is associated with subjective groove and complexity for performed but not mechanical musical rhythms.
Experimental Brain Research,
237(8), 1981-1991.
Bro, M. L., Johansen, C.
, Vuust, P., Enggaard, L., Himmelstrup, B., Mourits-Andersen, T., Brown, P.
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Effects of live music during chemotherapy in lymphoma patients: a randomized, controlled, multi-center trial.
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer,
27(10), 3887-3896.
Ahrends, C., Bravo, F.
, Kringelbach, M. L., Vuust, P. & Rohrmeier, M. A. (2019).
Pessimistic outcome expectancy does not explain ambiguity aversion in decision-making under uncertainty.
Scientific Reports,
9, Article 12177.
Møller, C., Højlund, A., Bærentsen, K. B., Hansen, N. C., Skewes, J. C. & Vuust, P. (2018).
Correction to: Visually induced gains in pitch discrimination: Linking audio-visual processing with auditory abilities (Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, (2018), 80, 4, (999-1010), 10.3758/s13414-017-1481-8).
Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics,
80(4), 1023-1025.
Heinonen-Guzejev, M.
, Kliuchko, M., Vuust, P., Tervaniemi, M.
, Brattico, E., Shepherd, D., Heikkilä, K., Dirks, K. N., Hautus, M. J., Welch, D. & McBride, D. (2018).
Studying the origins of noise sensitivity - negative affect or biological factors. 521-525. Paper presented at Euronoise, Heraklion, Greece.
Mogensen, R. L. H., Bjerg Hedegaard, M., Olsen, L.
, Skewes, J. C. & Gebauer, L. (2018).
Relational Memory in High-Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Abstract from INSAR 2018: Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Kliuchko, M., Haumann, N. T., Huotilainen, M.
, Vuust, P., Tervaniemi, M.
& Brattico, E. (2018).
Expertise-dependent sensitivity to mistuning and melody transposition: MEG study with melodic multi-feature MMN paradigm. Abstract from 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition & 10th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Graz, Austria.
Tiihonen, T. M., Saarikallio, S.
, Haumann, N. T., Shtyrov, Y. & Brattico, E. (2018).
Interaction of Visually and Auditorily Derived Affect: An MEG Study. Poster session presented at European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, meeting in Leiden, 2018, Leiden, Netherlands.
Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S.
, Dietz, M., Højlund, A., Brattico, E., Haumann, N. T., Michel, F., Kamaric Riis, S.
& Vuust, P. (2018).
Musical Listening in Electric Hearing –Two Novel EEG Paradigms for Studying Music Discrimination in Cochlear Implant Users. Poster session presented at 2nd International Music and CI symposium, Montreal, Canada.
Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S.
, Dietz, M., Højlund, A., Brattico, E., Haumann, N. T., Michel, F., Kamaric Riis, S.
& Vuust, P. (2018).
The CI MuMuFe - a new MMN paradigm for measuring music discrimination in electric hearing. Poster session presented at MMN 2018: The 8th Mismatch Negativity Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Mogensen, R. L. H., Bjerg Hedegaard, M., Olsen, L.
, Skewes, J. C. & Gebauer, L. (2018).
Relational Memory in High-Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster session presented at INSAR 2018: Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Kliuchko, M., Puoliväli, T., Heinonen-Guzejev, M., Tervaniemi, M., Toiviainen, P., Sams, M.
& Brattico, E. (2018).
Neuroanatomical correlates of noise sensitivity. Poster session presented at 8th Mind Brain Body Symposium, Berlin, Germany.
Grube, M., Brandl, S., Kindermans, P.-J., Blankertz, B., Daehne, S. & Mueller, K.-R. (2018).
Can we “find the beat”? Searching the beta band in the human EEG as a function of acoustic rhythmic regularity and in correlation with behaviour.. 1. Poster session presented at 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany.
Fasano, M. C., Semeraro, C., Cassibba, R., Kringelbach, M., Vuust, P. & Brattico, E. (2018).
Exploring the effects of an innovative collective music training on inhibitory control and hyperactivity in early adolescents. Poster session presented at 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition & 10th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Graz, Austria.
Daffertshofer, A., Ton, R.
, Kringelbach, M. L., Woolrich, M. & Deco, G. (2018).
Distinct criticality of phase and amplitude dynamics in the resting brain.
180, 442-447.
Daffertshofer, A., Ton, R., Pietras, B.
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Scale-freeness or partial synchronization in neural mass phase oscillator networks: Pick one of two? NeuroImage,
180, 428-441.
Zou, L.-Q., Zhou, H.-Y., Zhuang, Y.
, van Hartevelt, T. J., Lui, S. S. Y., Cheung, E. F. C.
, Møller, A., Kringelbach, M. L. & Chan, R. C. K. (2018).
Neural responses during the anticipation and receipt of olfactory reward and punishment in human.
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Thaler, H., Skewes, J. C., Gebauer, L., Christensen, P., Prkachin, K. M.
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Typical pain experience but underestimation of others’ pain: Emotion perception in self and others in autism spectrum disorder.
22(6), 751-762.
Te Lindert, B. H. W., Itzhacki, J., van der Meijden, W. P.
, Kringelbach, M. L., Mendoza, J. & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2018).
Bright environmental light ameliorates deficient subjective 'liking' in insomnia: an experience sampling study.
41(4), Article 022.