Møller, C., Højlund, A., Bærentsen, K. B., Hansen, N. C., Skewes, J. C. & Vuust, P. (2018).
Correction to: Visually induced gains in pitch discrimination: Linking audio-visual processing with auditory abilities (Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, (2018), 80, 4, (999-1010), 10.3758/s13414-017-1481-8).
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Niklassen, A. S., Ovesen, T., Fernandes, H. & Fjaeldstad, A. W. (2018).
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Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S.
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Musical Listening in Electric Hearing –Two Novel EEG Paradigms for Studying Music Discrimination in Cochlear Implant Users. Poster session presented at 2nd International Music and CI symposium, Montreal, Canada.
Petersen, B., Friis Andersen, A. S.
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The CI MuMuFe - a new MMN paradigm for measuring music discrimination in electric hearing. Poster session presented at MMN 2018: The 8th Mismatch Negativity Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Ryyppö, E., Glerean, E.
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Te Lindert, B. H. W., Itzhacki, J., van der Meijden, W. P.
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Thaler, H., Skewes, J. C., Gebauer, L., Christensen, P., Prkachin, K. M.
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Tiihonen, T. M., Saarikallio, S.
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Interaction of Visually and Auditorily Derived Affect: An MEG Study. Poster session presented at European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, meeting in Leiden, 2018, Leiden, Netherlands.
Zou, L.-Q., Zhou, H.-Y., Zhuang, Y.
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Alluri, V., Toiviainen, P., Burunat, I.
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Connectivity patterns during music listening: Evidence for action-based processing in musicians.
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Atasoy, S., Roseman, L., Kaelen, M.
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Bettinardi, R. G., Deco, G., Karlaftis, V. M.
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How structure sculpts function: Unveiling the contribution of anatomical connectivity to the brain's spontaneous correlation structure.
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Bonetti, L., Haumann, N. T., Vuust, P., Kliuchko, M. & Brattico, E. (2017).
Risk of depression enhances auditory Pitch discrimination in the brain as indexed by the mismatch negativity.
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Bonetti, L., Haumann, N. T., Brattico, E., Kliuchko, M., Vuust, P. & Näätänen, R. (2017).
Working memory performance predicts the neural discrimination of sound deviants as indexed by frontal mismatch negativity: an MEG study. In
Working memory performance predicts the neural discrimination of sound deviants as indexed by frontal mismatch negativity: an MEG study
Bonetti, L., Haumann, N. T., Brattico, E., Kliuchko, M., Vuust, P. & Näätänen, R. (2017).
Working memory regulates frontal Mismatch Negativity to sound intensity and slide deviants. Abstract from Neuroscience Day - Let's rethink memory 2017, Aarhus, Denmark.
Brownlee, WJ., Altmann, DR.
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Cabral, J., Vidaurre, D., Marques, P., Magalhães, R., Silva Moreira, P., Miguel Soares, J., Deco, G., Sousa, N.
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Cantou, P., Fasano, M. C., Toiviainen, P.
, Alexander Kleber, B., Burunat, I.
, Vuust, P. & Brattico, E. (2017).
Neural underpinnings of musical tension in preadolescents: a free-listening fMRI study. Poster session presented at The Neurosciences and Music VI - Music, Sound and Health , Boston, Massachusetts, United States.