Young, K. S.
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International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP, 1310-1314.
Perl, Y. S., Mininni, P., Tagliazucchi, E.
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Daffertshofer, A., Ton, R., Pietras, B.
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Liu, C., Fa, R., Abu-Jamous, B.
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Hindriks, R., Woolrich, M., Luckhoo, H.
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, Kringelbach, M. L. & Deco, G. (2015).
Role of white-matter pathways in coordinating alpha oscillations in resting visual cortex.
106, 328-339.
Bonetti, L., Haumann, N. T., Vuust, P., Kliuchko, M. & Brattico, E. (2017).
Risk of depression enhances auditory Pitch discrimination in the brain as indexed by the mismatch negativity.
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Seeberg, A. B., Matthews, T., Højlund, A., Vuust, P. & Petersen, B. (2023).
Rhythm perception and experience of groove in cochlear implant users. Poster session presented at 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), Tokyo, Japan.
Govender, S., Hochstrasser, D., Todd, N. P. M.
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Louzolo, A., Lebedev, A. V., Björnsdotter, M., Acar, K.
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Resistance to Extinction of Evaluative Fear Conditioning in Delusion Proneness.
Schizophrenia Bulletin Open,
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Timm, L.
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Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,
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European Respiratory Journal,
Coelho, A.
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Donnelly-Kehoe, P., Saenger, V. M., Lisofsky, N., Kühn, S.
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Mogensen, R. L. H., Bjerg Hedegaard, M., Olsen, L.
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Mogensen, R. L. H., Bjerg Hedegaard, M., Olsen, L.
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Relational Memory in High-Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster session presented at INSAR 2018: Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Ryyppö, E., Glerean, E.
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Jespersen, K. V., Stevner, A., Fernandes, H., Sørensen, S. D., Van Someren, E.
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Reduced structural connectivity in Insomnia Disorder.
Journal of Sleep Research,
29(1), Article e12901.
Alonso Martínez, S., Marsman, J. B. C.
, Kringelbach, M. L., Deco, G. & ter Horst, G. J. (2020).
Reduced spatiotemporal brain dynamics are associated with increased depressive symptoms after a relationship breakup.
NeuroImage: Clinical,
27, Article 102299.
Quiroga Martinez, D. R., Hansen, N. C., Højlund, A., Pearce, M., Brattico, E. & Vuust, P. (2019).
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120, 181-200.,
Singleton, S. P., Luppi, A. I., Carhart-Harris, R. L., Cruzat, J., Roseman, L., Nutt, D. J., Deco, G.
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Receptor-informed network control theory links LSD and psilocybin to a flattening of the brain’s control energy landscape.
Nature Communications,
13(1), Article 5812.
Dagnino, P. C., Escrichs, A., López-González, A., Gosseries, O., Annen, J., Perl, Y. S.
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Re-awakening the brain: Forcing transitions in disorders of consciousness by external in silico perturbation.
PLOS Computational Biology,
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Deco, G., Sanz Perl, Y.
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& Kringelbach, M. L. (2021).
Rare long-range cortical connections enhance human information processing.
Current Biology,
31(20), 4436-4448.e5.
Bonetti, L., Brattico, E., Carlomagno, F., Donati, G.
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, Vuust, P. & Kringelbach, M. L. (2021).
Rapid encoding of musical tones discovered in whole-brain connectivity.
245, Article 118735.
Brattico, E., Bonetti, L., Ferretti, G.
, Vuust, P. & Matrone, C. (2021).
Putting Cells in Motion: Advantages of Endogenous Boosting of BDNF Production.
10(1), 1-16. Article 183.
McCulloch, D. E. W., Knudsen, G. M., Barrett, F. S., Doss, M. K., Carhart-Harris, R. L., Rosas, F. E., Deco, G.
, Kringelbach, M. L., Preller, K. H., Ramaekers, J. G., Mason, N. L., Müller, F. & Fisher, P. M. D. (2022).
Psychedelic resting-state neuroimaging: A review and perspective on balancing replication and novel analyses.
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138, Article 104689.